Monday, February 2, 2009

Lowell Home Show Volunteer Sign Up

The Lowell Winter Guards, Exit 52 and Almost Home, will be hosting a Winter Guard and Drum Line Competition on Saturday, February 21, 2009 at Lowell High School.

There are a lot of jobs that need to be filled for the day. The event should run from roughly 3:00-10:00. I am willing to split shifts if you can only work part of the day. Just let me know when you are available and I’ll make it work. Most of the jobs are pretty low stress but require a responsible adult. If you are interested in helping out please let me know. You may sign up one of three ways:
1) Return a paper to Mrs. Mac with the volunteer information (Name, email, phone)
2) Sign up at (Click the Home Show Volunteer Sign Up link)
3) Email me at with volunteer information. (Name, email, phone)

Due to the scope and size of the event we are hosting on February 21. Each member of Exit 52 and Almost Home is required to provide at least one adult volunteer the day of the event. If you have any friends or relatives who would be willing to work at our event please don’t hesitate to ask them as well.
We are short about 25 volunteers at this point so we really need help and we need it fast!

Volunteer Job Descriptions
•Warm Up Monitors: Watch the clock and let people know when their warm up time starts and stops.
•Unit Check-In: Get participating units checked it. Stamp hands, give out information packets etc.
•“Shout Outs”: Man a table and sell “shout outs” to be read during the competition.
•Ticket & Program Sales: Just what it says.
•Spectator Entrance Monitors: Make sure that people do not enter the gym during a performance and check for paid front side line hand stamps.
•Back Sideline Entrance Monitors: Make sure that people do not enter the gym during a performance and check for back side line member only hand stamps.
•Ready Line Monitor: Let guards in the gym when it is their turn to perform.
•Exit Door Monitor: Get the exit doors open and hold them open as guards and drum lines exit the gym.
•Equip. Loading/Unloading Monitor: Make sure that the units get their stuff into the building and in the right place prior to their performance.
•50/50 Ticket Sales: Just what it says.
•Prop Storage/Floor Folding: Monitor the area and help as needed.
•Concession Stand: Selling food and other goodies.
•Cafeteria Clean Up: Keep the cafeteria nice for all who need to use it.
•Runners (For Judges & tabulators): Run judges recorders and score sheets to the tabulators table. Make sure the judges and announcers have water, etc.
•Judges Room Set-Up and Maintenance: Order or make food to feed the judges. Decorate and keep the room looking nice throughout the day.
•Show Announcer: Just what it sounds like. I am trying to get two announcers so they can take breaks throughout the event.

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